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[관용표현] 이 영어표현 아닌 것 같은데! 클릭하면 놀라운 사실 발견!

영어회화 영어 이디엄 / 관용표현 100문장


Korean language learners often find themselves struggling to understand and use 관용표현 (idiomatic expressions) in daily conversations. These expressions can be difficult to interpret as their meanings are not always literal. However, mastering them can aid language proficiency and help students transit from sounding like a beginner to a native-like speaker.

In this article, we delve into the world of Korean 관용표현. We cover the definition, cultural background, range, and limitations of their use, as well as study methods for better comprehension. Additionally, we provide a list of 100 essential 관용표현 with examples, idioms, dictionaries, and their English counterparts for enriched learning.

1. 명확한 정의와 예시를 활용한 관용표현 이해하기

관용표현 is a phrase whose meaning is not deducible from its literal definition. In essence, it is a commonly spoken phrase that has taken a figurative connotation in a given context. These expressions are frequently used in Korean to add nuance to conversations and convey unwritten assumptions.

For example, the phrase “고생 끝에 낙이 온다” (after hardship comes happiness), connotes that good things come after a period of difficulty. This phrase’s underlying meaning is not that something good comes immediately after suffering, but that one will eventually gain something worthwhile after persevering. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the figurative meaning of such expressions to avoid misinterpreting them.

Korean idiomatic expressions can be broadly categorized into several categories, including proverbs, euphemisms, and slang. Some examples of commonly used 관용표현 include:

– 생각이 없다: The literal meaning of this expression is “to have no idea,” but it’s commonly used to describe someone who is inattentive, careless, forgetful, or negligent.
– 밥줄이 잘 풀리다: This expression means that someone is well-off financially, or their financial situation is improving.
– 목숨걸고 일어나다: Literally means “to stand up for one’s life,” but figuratively means to make a serious effort or risk everything to achieve something.
– 손발이 맞다: Translates to “to have hands and feet that match” is used to describe a person’s personality fit with another person or situation. For example, when working together, a team can say that their “hands and feet match” to describe that their cooperation has been smooth.

These examples show that 관용표현 is essential in conveying nuances that straightforward sentences or literal interpretations can’t achieve.

2. 관용표현의 문화적 배경과 역사적 변천사 이해하기

관용표현 has been part of the Korean language for centuries. The expressions draw both from Korean philosophy and history. For example, famous proverbs like “삼년이면 호랑이도 제 말을 탄다” (even a tiger riding a horse can speak my language after three years) have roots in Confucianism and emphasize the importance of steadfastness and perseverance.

Others, like “고래 싸움에 새우 등 터진다” (when whales fight, the shrimp’s back is broken) and “감나무에 범나무 매달지 마라” (don’t hang on a persimmon tree with a bear’s intentions), are derived from folk tales and are used to describe situations that an observer perceives to be unwise, risky, or dangerous.

Korean idiomatic expressions continue to be a critical part of everyday language. With time, however, some expressions have fallen out of use, while others have evolved to suit modern-day contexts. For example, “애교살” (cute act) was popular during the early 2000s but has recently waned in usage as the Korean language continues to evolve.

3. 관용표현의 사용 범위와 한계 이해하기

As with any language, there are limitations to the use of Korean idiomatic expressions. Typically, these expressions are used only in casual conversations, and their applicability may vary from person to person. In formal writing or speaking, it’s often best to use more conventional expressions that better convey the intended meaning.

Another limitation is that learners might misinterpret idiomatic expressions to mean something different from what the speaker intended. For this reason, understanding the context in which an idiomatic expression is used is crucial. Without this context, there is a high possibility of misinterpretation which may sometimes lead to awkward misunderstandings.

Lastly, overusing idiomatic expressions may lead to their dilution and render them less impressive. Therefore, it’s essential to know when and how to use such expressions appropriately.

4. 관용표현의 발음과 억양 익히기

It’s crucial that learners have a good grasp of proper pronunciation and intonation of Korean idiomatic expressions. This involves understanding the phonetics of the expressions and practicing their natural delivery.

For learners who may struggle with the pronunciation or intonation, speaking to native speakers or enrolling in a Korean language course can help improve their understanding.

5. 관용표현을 활용한 구어체 작문 기법 습득하기

Korean students often find it difficult to use idiomatic expressions in their writing, as they often do not translate well and may result in awkward phrasing. However, the use of various 관용표현 can liven up writing and make essays more engaging.

One effective way to incorporate such expressions into writing is to read and practice writing in blogs or websites that frequently use idiomatic expressions. Korean dramas and films are also an excellent source of idiomatic expressions that can help one hone their usage effectively.

6. 좋은 문장 작성을 위한 관용표현 활용 전략 익히기

Korean idiomatic expressions can aid in constructing rich and meaningful sentences. For better comprehension, learners can study how and when to use idiomatic expressions to great effect in their writing or public speaking.

For instance, incorporating idiomatic expressions that reflect the intended emotion can help students craft more emotive and insightful texts. To further enhance sentence construction, learners can also reverse-engineer the expressions to understand how to create idiomatic expressions.


1. What is the difference between idiomatic expressions and idioms?

An idiomatic expression is a phrase whose meaning is not necessarily clear from its literal interpretation. An idiom, on the other hand, is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be determined from the words themselves.

2. Should idiomatic expressions be used in formal writing or speech?

Idiomatic expressions may not be appropriate in formal writing or speech as they can be used informally and may convey casualness. It is best to use more conventional expressions in such settings.

3. How can learners improve to be great at using Korean idiomatic expressions?

Learners can improve their fluency by consistently practicing and speaking with native speakers. Also, reading Korean books and watching Korean movies is an excellent way to master the context of idiomatic expressions. Enrolling in Korean language classes may also prove helpful.


Korean idiomatic expressions are an essential part of the language and a fantastic way to add flair to your conversations. With a good grasp of their usage, Korean learners can elevate their language proficiency and communicate more clearly and impressively. Understanding their cultural and historical context, as well as common usage, can help learners better interpret and employ these expressions in their communications.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 관용표현 관용표현 100가지, 관용표현 모음, 관용표현 예시, 관용표현 정의, 관용표현 속담, 관용표현 사전, 관용표현 영어, 관용표현 종류

Categories: Top 90 관용표현

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관용표현 모음

관용표현 모음 – A Collection of Idiomatic Expressions in Korean

Korean language has a rich cultural heritage and is widely spoken across the world. Like every language, Korean also has idiomatic expressions or 관용표현 (gwan-yong-pyo-hyeon) that are commonly used to convey a specific message or feeling. These expressions often have a literal meaning that is different from their intended message.

In this article, we will discuss a collection of idiomatic expressions in the Korean language and provide examples of how they are used in everyday conversations. We will also answer some frequently asked questions regarding Korean idioms.

Commonly Used Idiomatic Expressions in Korean

1. 백전백승 (baek-jeon-baek-seung) – This expression translates to “100 victories in 100 battles” and is used to express confidence in one’s abilities. It is often used before an important event or exam to boost morale.

Example: 내일 시험을 잘 치르기 위해 백전백승의 자신감을 가져보자. (Let’s feel confident with 100 victories in 100 battles to do well on the exam tomorrow.)

2. 별거 없어 (byeol-geo eop-seo) – This expression translates to “nothing special” and is commonly used to downplay the importance of an event or situation.

Example: 이번에는 별거 없어. 그냥 조금 놀다가 갈래. (Nothing special this time. Just going to hang out for a bit.)

3. 개소리야 (gae-so-ri-ya) – This expression translates to “nonsense” or “rubbish” and is often used to dismiss false or illogical statements.

Example: 내가 한 말은 사실이야! (What I said is true!) – 너무나도 개소리야. (That’s complete nonsense.)

4. 날개 달다 (nal-gae dal-da) – This expression translates to “to grow wings” and is used to describe someone who has achieved a lot of success in their field.

Example: 그 사람은 이 회사에서 날개를 달았어. (That person grew wings in this company.)

5. 무의미하다 (mu-ui-mi-ha-da) – This expression translates to “meaningless” and is used to describe something that lacks purpose or significance.

Example: 그 일은 무의미하다. (That work is meaningless.)

6. 그림의 떡 (geu-rim-eun ttuck) – This expression translates to “a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow” and is used to describe something that seems too good to be true.

Example: 그건 그림의 떡이야. (That’s too good to be true.)

7. 효과가 있다 (hyo-gwa-ga i-da) – This expression translates to “to have an effect” and is used to describe something that has a positive impact.

Example: 운동은 건강에 좋은 효과가 있다. (Exercise has a positive impact on health.)

8. 눈에 들어오다 (nun-e deul-eo-da) – This expression translates to “to catch one’s eye” and is used to describe something that is visually appealing or attractive.

Example: 그 옷이 눈에 들어와서 샀어. (I bought the clothes because they caught my eye.)

9. 소리 치다 (so-ri chi-da) – This expression translates to “to make noise” and is used to describe people who talk too much or make unnecessary noise.

Example: 그 친구는 항상 소리를 치기 때문에 집중이 안 된다. (I can’t concentrate because my friend always makes noise.)

10. 앞으로 나가다 (ap-eu-ro na-ga-da) – This expression translates to “to move forward” and is used to describe someone who is making progress or advancing in their life or career.

Example: 그는 회사에서 앞으로 나가기 위해 열심히 일했다. (He worked hard to move forward in his career.)

FAQs on Korean Idioms

Q. Are Korean idioms used in everyday conversations?

A. Yes, Korean idioms are commonly used in everyday conversations. They add color and meaning to conversations and often allow people to express their thoughts and emotions more effectively.

Q. Should I use Korean idioms in formal settings?

A. It depends on the context and the relationship between the people involved. In formal settings, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using idiomatic expressions if you are not sure about their appropriateness.

Q. How can I learn Korean idioms effectively?

A. The best way to learn Korean idioms is to immerse yourself in Korean culture by reading books, watching movies or dramas, or listening to Korean music. You can also take language classes or find language partners who can help you practice using idiomatic expressions in everyday conversations.

Q. Are there regional variations in Korean idioms?

A. Yes, there are regional variations in Korean idioms. Some idiomatic expressions are specific to certain regions or dialects, while others are used more widely across the country.

Q. Can I translate Korean idioms into English word-for-word?

A. No, you should not translate Korean idioms into English word-for-word. This is because idiomatic expressions often have a figurative meaning that is different from their literal translation. It is best to understand the meaning of idiomatic expressions in context and use them accordingly.


Korean idiomatic expressions add nuance and color to everyday conversations. Understanding and using these expressions can help learners of the language to communicate more effectively and express their thoughts and emotions more precisely. With this collection of idiomatic expressions and the answers to some frequently asked questions, we hope that learners of Korean will be able to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the language and its culture.

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한·중 말과 관련된 관용 표현 대조 연구 – ‘말’, ‘소리’과 ‘話’, ‘聲’의 대조를 중심으로 – 어문논총 – 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 : 논문 – Dbpia
네이티브 영어회화 이디엄 사전 - 자주 쓰는 관용표현을 한 권에 담은 다락원-11번가 모바일
네이티브 영어회화 이디엄 사전 – 자주 쓰는 관용표현을 한 권에 담은 다락원-11번가 모바일
한국어교육에서 관용표현을 효과적으로 교수-학습할 수 있는 방법을 구체적으로 제시하시오.
한국어교육에서 관용표현을 효과적으로 교수-학습할 수 있는 방법을 구체적으로 제시하시오.
4. 효과적인 관용 표현 (1/8) By 영환 박
4. 효과적인 관용 표현 (1/8) By 영환 박
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상표등록을 받을 수 없는 상표 – ① 보통명칭 및 관용표현 : Ip Info
42회] 대화와 예문을 통해 배우는 Topik & Kiip 한국어 관용표현
42회] 대화와 예문을 통해 배우는 Topik & Kiip 한국어 관용표현 “눈에 넣어도 아프지 않다”, “눈에 불을 켜다” (83회 토픽 대비) < Learning Korean Language < 기사본문 - Studyinkoreanews (한국유학비자뉴스)
관용표현] 관용표현 관용어 #관용어 - Youtube
관용표현] 관용표현 관용어 #관용어 – Youtube
여기 틀린 건 있으면 고쳐 주시겠어요? 아랍어의 관용 표현은 한국어의 관용 표현과 비슷할 수가 있지만 다를 때가 더 많다. 예를 들면  한국에서는 '손이 크다'라는 말은 '넉넉하다'라는 뜻이지만 이집트에서는 '훔친다'라는 뜻이 있다. 또한 '
여기 틀린 건 있으면 고쳐 주시겠어요? 아랍어의 관용 표현은 한국어의 관용 표현과 비슷할 수가 있지만 다를 때가 더 많다. 예를 들면 한국에서는 ‘손이 크다’라는 말은 ‘넉넉하다’라는 뜻이지만 이집트에서는 ‘훔친다’라는 뜻이 있다. 또한 ‘
국어 관용표현 연구(세종우리말총서 4) | 강위규 - 모바일교보문고
국어 관용표현 연구(세종우리말총서 4) | 강위규 – 모바일교보문고
관용표현을 한 개 선정하여 중급 학습자에게 교수하는 방안(제시, 설명, 활용)을 작성하십시오.
관용표현을 한 개 선정하여 중급 학습자에게 교수하는 방안(제시, 설명, 활용)을 작성하십시오.

Article link: 관용표현.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 관용표현.


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