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Trang chủ » 관계 대명사 what로 인해 당신의 생각이 바뀔지도 몰라요! 클릭하세요!

관계 대명사 what로 인해 당신의 생각이 바뀔지도 몰라요! 클릭하세요!

Concept 085 / 관계대명사 what

관계 대명사 what

관계 대명사란 무엇인가?

관계 대명사는 한국어 문장에서 서로 다른 두 문장을 연결하는데 사용되는 문장 요소입니다. 관계 대명사는 또한 두 문장의 주어나 목적어를 대신하여 사용할 수도 있습니다. 한국어에서 가장 흔하게 사용되는 관계 대명사는 ‘무엇(what)’, ‘누구(who)’, ‘어디(where)’, ‘언제(when)’, ‘왜(why)’ 등이 있습니다. 이 중에서도 ‘무엇’은 매우 많이 사용되며 영어의 ‘what’에 해당합니다.

관계 대명사의 종류

관계 대명사에는 ‘무엇(what)’, ‘누구(who)’, ‘어디(where)’, ‘언제(when)’, ‘왜(why)’를 비롯하여 ‘어느(which)’, ‘무슨(what kind of)’, ‘몇 명의(how many)’ 등이 있습니다.

관계 대명사의 사용 방법

관계 대명사를 사용하여 문장을 만들 때는 기본적으로 다음과 같은 순서를 따릅니다.

① 긍정적인 문장에서의 사용

– 주어 + 동사 + 관계대명사 + 나머지 문장

예) 나는 아침에 먹는 것이 빵이다. -> 나는 아침에 먹는 것이 무엇인지 알아내고 싶다.

② 부정적인 문장에서의 사용

– 주어 + 부정어 + 동사 + 관계대명사 + 나머지 문장

예) 내 친구는 저녁을 먹지 않았다. -> 내 친구가 저녁을 먹지 않았는지 궁금하다.

③ 의문문에서의 사용

– 관계대명사 + 동사 + 나머지 문장

예) 그 사람이 뭘 하고 있는지 모르겠다.

관계 대명사를 활용한 문장 만들기

문장 1) 나는 빵을 좋아한다.
문장 2) 그것은 맛있는 것이다.

→ 나는 맛있는 빵을 좋아한다.

문장 1) 그 학생은 영어를 잘한다.
문장 2) 그 학생은 컴퓨터를 잘한다.

→ 그 학생은 영어와 컴퓨터를 모두 잘한다.

문장 1) 나는 밥을 먹는 것이 좋다.
문장 2) 저는 빵을 먹는 것이 좋다.

→ 나는 밥 대신에 빵을 먹는 것이 좋다.

관계 대명사가 사용되는 다양한 예시

예시 1) What do you like to do in your free time?
→ 나는 방학 때 뭐 하고 싶은 게 있는데, 뭐 하면 될까?

예시 2) Who is that woman over there?
→ 거기에 서 있는 여자 분은 누구시죠?

예시 3) When did you go to Seoul last?
→ 지난번에 서울에 언제 갔었는지 기억 안 나세요?

예시 4) Where is the nearest supermarket?
→ 이 근처에 가장 가까운 슈퍼마켓이 어디인가요?

예시 5) Why did you choose that university?
→ 그 대학을 선택한 이유가 뭔가요?

관계 대명사의 오류와 해결 방법

관계 대명사를 사용할 때 가장 흔한 오류는 ‘무엇(what)’을 ‘that’으로 잘못 사용하는 것입니다. 이 둘은 다른 의미를 가지고 있으며, 적절하게 사용해야 합니다.

관계대명사 what 예문

– This is what I bought at the store. (매장에서 이것을 샀다.)

관계대명사 what that 차이

‘무엇(what)’은 단순히 무엇을 물어볼 때 사용하며, ‘that’은 명확한 대상이나 사실을 지칭할 때 사용됩니다. 따라서 ‘what’은 상황에 따라 ‘that’으로 대체될 수 있지만, ‘that’은 ‘what’으로 대체되지 않습니다.

예시) Do you know what the answer is? (정답이 뭔지 아세요?)
Do you know that the answer is correct? (정답이 맞다는 것을 아세요?)

관계대명사 what 완전한 문장

관계 대명사 ‘what’은 완전한 문장에서 주로 사용됩니다. 완전한 문장이란 주어와 동사가 모두 포함된 문장으로, 예를 들어 “I like to dance”와 같은 문장을 말합니다.

예시) What I like to do most is sing. (내가 가장 좋아하는 일은 노래 부르는 거야.)

관계대명사 what 뒤에

관계 대명사 ‘what’은 ‘뒤에’라는 의미의 전치사와 함께 사용될 때 주로 사용됩니다. 이 경우 ‘what’은 그 전치사를 대신하여 사용됩니다.

예시) She showed me what she bought at the store. (그녀가 매장에서 산 물건을 보여줬다.)

관계대명사 what 불완전

관계 대명사 ‘what’은 불완전한 문장에서도 사용될 수 있습니다. 이 경우 ‘what’은 대신해야 할 부분이 없을 때 사용됩니다.

예시) I don’t know what to do. (어떻게 해야 할 지 모르겠어.)

접속사 what 관계대명사 what

‘접속사 what’은 물음을 더욱 강조하기 위해 사용되는 문장 요소입니다. ‘접속사 what’은 ‘무엇’을 물어볼 때 사용되며, ‘what’은 ‘접속사 what’ 뒤에 사용됩니다.

예시) What I don’t know is what to say to him. (모르는 건 그에게 말해야 할 것이 뭔지야.)

주격 관계대명사 what

주격 관계 대명사 ‘what’은 주어나 보어로 사용되는 경우가 많습니다. 예를 들어 “The problem is what to do next”라는 문장에서 ‘what’은 ‘문제’라는 주어를 대신하는 역할을 합니다.

예시) What I want to say is this. (내가 말하고 싶은 건 이거야.)

관계 대명사 what 해석

관계 대명사 ‘what’은 문맥에 따라 해석이 달라질 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 “What did you eat for breakfast?”에서 ‘what’은 ‘무엇’을 묻는 것이고, “I don’t know what to do”에서 ‘what’은 ‘어떻게 해야 할지’에 대한 고민을 나타냅니다.


1. 관계 대명사란 무엇인가요?
– 관계 대명사는 한국어 문장에서 서로 다른 두 문장을 연결하는데 사용되는 문장 요소입니다.

2. 어떤 종류의 관계 대명사가 있나요?
– 관계 대명사에는 ‘무엇(what)’, ‘누구(who)’, ‘어디(where)’, ‘언제(when)’, ‘왜(why)’를 비롯하여 ‘어느(which)’, ‘무슨(what kind of)’, ‘몇 명의(how many)’ 등이 있습니다.

3. 어떻게 관계 대명사를 사용하나요?
– 주로 ‘주어 + 동사 + 관계대명사 + 나머지 문장’의 형태로 사용합니다.

4. 관계 대명사가 사용되는 예시는 무엇인가요?
– “What do you like to do in your free time?”, “Who is that woman over there?”, “When did you go to Seoul last?”, “Where is the nearest supermarket?”, “Why did you choose that university?” 등이 있습니다.

5. 관계 대명사의 오류와 해결 방법은 무엇인가요?
– 가장 흔한 오류는 ‘무엇(what)’을 ‘that’으로 잘못 사용하는 것입니다. 해결 방법은 ‘what’과 ‘that’의 사용 용도를 명확히 이해하는 것입니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 관계 대명사 what 관계대명사 what 예문, 관계대명사 what that 차이, 관계대명사 what 완전한 문장, 관계대명사 what 뒤에, 관계대명사 what 불완전, 접속사 what 관계대명사 what, 주격 관계대명사 what, 관계대명사 what 해석

Categories: Top 80 관계 대명사 what

Concept 085 / 관계대명사 what

여기에서 자세히 보기:

관계대명사 what 예문

관계대명사 (relative pronouns) play a crucial role in Korean grammar. They are essential to forming complex sentences and conveying a wide range of meaning. In this article, we will explore the various functions of 관계대명사, examine 예문 (example sentences) that demonstrate their usage, and answer frequently asked questions about these important grammatical elements.

The Functions of 관계대명사

관계대명사 are used to associate or connect two clauses, indicating a relationship of dependence or coordination between them. They are used to introduce subordinate clauses that provide additional information or context to the main clause. There are three main functions of 관계대명사 in Korean grammar:

1. Subjective Function
When the 관계대명사 is used in the subjective function, it introduces a subordinate clause that functions as the subject of the sentence. In this function, the verb conjugation is determined by the noun in the subordinate clause. Example:

세상에서 가장 좋아하는 사람이 누구예요?
(Who is the person you like the most in the world?)

I like 에이미 very much. (에이미는 세상에서 가장 좋아하는 사람이에요.)
(Amy is the person I like the most in the world.)

In this example, 에이미 functions as the subject of the clause introduced by the 관계대명사, which is why it is followed by the topic marker 는 (neun).

2. Objective Function
When the 관계대명사 is used in the objective function, it introduces a subordinate clause that functions as the object of the sentence. In this function, the verb conjugation is determined by the subject of the sentence. Example:

제가 오늘 산 책은 어디에 놨는지 아세요?
(Do you know where I put the book I bought today?)

I don’t know where you put it. (모르겠어요. 제가 지금 뭐뭐해야 하는지 기억이 안나요.)
(I don’t know. I can’t remember what I need to do now.)

In this example, the subordinate clause introduced by the 관계대명사 functions as the object of the sentence. The subject of the sentence, 제 (je), determines the verb conjugation.

3. Adverbial Function
When the 관계대명사 is used in the adverbial function, it introduces a subordinate clause that functions as an adverb to the main clause. In this function, the verb conjugation is determined by the main clause. Example:

요즘은 매일 미친 듯이 일해서, 집에 와서는 무의식적으로 잠들고 있습니다.
(These days, I work like crazy every day, and unconsciously fall asleep when I come home.)

In this example, the subordinate clause introduced by the 관계대명사 functions as an adverb to the main clause, describing the speaker’s actions.

Using 관계대명사 in Korean: 예문

Let’s take a look at some example sentences that use 관계대명사 to illustrate their usage and function in Korean grammar.

1. Subjective Function

– 내일은 바쁠 거예요. 내가 일해야 하니까. (I’ll be busy tomorrow. I have to work.)
– 내일은 바쁠 거예요. 내일 할 일 때문이죠. (I’ll be busy tomorrow. It’s because of what I have to do tomorrow.)
– 내일은 바쁠 거예요. 내일 방문할 친구가 있거든요. (I’ll be busy tomorrow. I have a friend to visit tomorrow.)

In these examples, the 관계대명사 introduces a subordinate clause that functions as the subject of the sentence. The verb conjugation is determined by the noun in the subordinate clause.

2. Objective Function

– 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요? 운동장에서 축구 할 건데, 너도 같이 할래? (What are you doing this weekend? I’m playing soccer at the field. Do you want to join?)
– 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요? 민수 씨를 만나러 갈 거예요. (What are you doing this weekend? I’m going to meet Minsoo.)
– 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요? 담배를 끊으려고 마음 먹고 있어요. (What are you doing this weekend? I’m trying to quit smoking.)

In these examples, the 관계대명사 introduces a subordinate clause that functions as the object of the sentence. The verb conjugation is determined by the subject of the sentence.

3. Adverbial Function

– 이 영화는 스릴러이기 때문에, 중간에 볼 때마다 심장이 떨리기 시작해요. (This movie is a thriller, so every time I watch it, my heart starts to race.)
– 지금 비가 내리기 때문에, 나가지 않을까 생각 중이에요. (Because it’s raining now, I’m thinking about not going out.)
– 오늘은 차라리 집에서 책 읽기나 해야겠어요. 감기 때문이죠. (I should probably stay home and read a book today. It’s because of my cold.)

In these examples, the 관계대명사 introduces a subordinate clause that functions as an adverb to the main clause.

Frequently Asked Questions about 관계대명사

1. What is the difference between 관형사 (adjectives) and 관계대명사?
관형사 modify nouns, while 관계대명사 connect clauses. They both describe nouns, but 관형사 only modify one noun, while 관계대명사 modify the entire clause that is attached to the main clause.

2. How do I use 관계대명사 in a formal / polite situation?
In formal and polite situations, it is common to use the long form of 관계대명사. For example, instead of using the colloquial 이 (i), you can use the formal (이)것 (geot) in the subjective function.

3. Can I omit 관계대명사 in a sentence?
관계대명사 is not always necessary in a sentence, but it is often used for clarity and coherence in complex sentences. In some cases, it is even necessary for grammatical correctness.

4. Can I use other words in place of 관계대명사?
관계대명사 cannot always be replaced by other words, as they provide a specific function in a sentence. However, there are some cases where other words such as 을 때 (eul ttae) or 때문에 (ttae mune) can be used to convey similar meanings.

In conclusion, understanding the various functions of 관계대명사 is essential to mastering Korean grammar. As demonstrated by the example sentences, they play a crucial role in connecting clauses and provide additional context and information to sentences. By using them correctly, you can make your Korean conversations more precise and coherent.

관계대명사 what that 차이

In Korean, the concept of 관계대명사 (pronounced “gwangye daemyeongsa”) is an essential part of the language. These are words that are used to connect clauses and phrases in a sentence, similar to how we use relative pronouns in English. In Korean, there are two main kinds of 관계대명사 – “what” and “that”. In this article, we will explore the differences between the two and how to use them correctly.

What is 관계대명사 in Korean?

As mentioned earlier, 관계대명사 are words used to connect clauses and phrases in a Korean sentence. They help provide additional information about a noun or pronoun. However, unlike in English, where we use “who”, “whom”, or “whose”, Korean mainly uses two kinds of 관계대명사 – “what” and “that”. While these words have similar meanings, they are not interchangeable, and it is essential to know the differences between the two.

The difference between “what” and “that” in Korean

The biggest difference between “what” and “that” in Korean is their level of formality. “What” is the more formal of the two, and it is typically used in written language and formal speech. “That,” on the other hand, is more informal and used in casual conversation. Here are some examples to illustrate this:

Formal: 회사에서 일하는 것이 힘들어요. (It’s difficult working at the company.)
Casual: 회사에서 일하는 거 어려워. (Working at the company is hard.)

In the formal example, we used the word 것 (pronounced “geot”), which means “what” and is more formal. In the casual example, however, we used the word 거 (pronounced “geo”), which means “that” and is more informal.

Another difference is that “what” is used when there is an unknown antecedent, while “that” is used when the antecedent is already known. For example:

Unknown Antecedent: 내일 볼 것이 뭐예요? (What will we see tomorrow?)
Known Antecedent: 이 사진이 어디에서 찍힌 건가요? (Where was this photo taken?)

In the first example, we used 것 because we don’t know what we will see tomorrow. In the second example, however, we used 거 because we are referring to a specific photo that the listener already knows about.

Lastly, “what” is used to represent things, while “that” is used to represent people or animals. For example:

Thing: 그거 사야 돼요. (We have to buy that.)
Person/Animal: 그 사람한테 전화해. (Call that person.)

In the first example, we used 거 because we were referring to something we needed to buy. In the second example, we used the word 사람 (pronounced “saram”), meaning “person,” so we used the word “that,” or 거.

FAQs about “what” and “that” in Korean

Q: Can I use either “what” or “that” whenever I want?
A: No, you cannot. “What” is more formal, while “that” is more casual and informal. You should use “what” when writing an essay, resume, or other formal documents. However, you can use “that” in a casual conversation with friends or family.

Q: Is it possible to use “what” instead of “that” or vice versa?
A: No, you cannot. As demonstrated earlier, “what” and “that” have their differences in formality, antecedents, and representation. Therefore, using them interchangeably is incorrect.

Q: What are some examples of sentences using both “what” and “that”?
A: Here are some examples of sentences using “what” and “that”:

– 내일 뭐 할 거예요? (What will we do tomorrow?)
– 그날 떠날 사람이 누구예요? (Who is the person leaving that day?)
– 이거 보는 것이 신기해요. (Seeing this is fascinating.)
– 저 사람이 하는 말이 그럴만해요. (That person’s words make sense.)

Q: Why is it important to know the difference between “what” and “that” in Korean?
A: It is essential to know the differences between “what” and “that” in Korean as these words are not interchangeable. Using the wrong word in the sentence could change the meaning or come off as rude or informal in the wrong context.

In conclusion, Korean 관계대명사 can be challenging to grasp for non-native speakers, especially the differences between “what” and “that.” It is important to understand the level of formality, antecedents, and representation when using these words in a sentence. With practice and careful attention to usage, learners can master these essential words and use them correctly in speech and writing.

관계대명사 what 완전한 문장

관계대명사, also known as relative pronouns, are an important concept in Korean grammar. They play a crucial role in constructing complex sentences, allowing speakers to connect different clauses and express a wide range of ideas. In this article, we will explore what 관계대명사 are, how they are used in Korean, and provide some frequently asked questions.

What is a 관계대명사?

A relative pronoun is a type of pronoun that is used to connect two clauses, often providing information about a noun or pronoun in the first clause. In English, we use words like “who”, “whose”, “which”, and “that” as relative pronouns. Korean, however, has a different set of words that are used as relative pronouns, including:
– 누구 (nugu): who
– 무엇 (mueot): what
– 어디 (eodi): where
– 언제 (eonje): when
– 뭐 (mwo): what
– 그 (geu): that
– 이 (i): this
– 그것 (geugeot): that

These words can be used to connect clauses in a sentence. For example:
– 제가 만난 사람은 학교에서 공부하는 친구였습니다. (The person I met was a friend who studies at my school.)
– 우리가 먹은 음식은 피자였습니다. (The food we ate was pizza.)
In both examples, the relative pronoun (in bold) connects the two clauses and provides additional information about the noun or pronoun in the first clause.

How are 관계대명사 used in Korean?

In Korean, 관계대명사 can be used in several ways. Here are a few examples:

1. Identifying a noun or pronoun
The most common use of 관계대명사 is to identify a specific noun or pronoun. For example:
– 그 때 만난 남자는 민수였습니다. (The man I met at that time was Minsu.)
– 어제 봤던 영화는 너무 재미있었어요. (The movie that I saw yesterday was really interesting.)

In both of these examples, the relative pronoun (in bold) is used to identify a specific person or thing. In the first sentence, the speaker is referring to a man they met in the past and using the relative pronoun to provide additional information about him. In the second sentence, the speaker is referring to a movie they saw recently and using the relative pronoun to clarify which movie they are talking about.

2. Describing a noun or pronoun
Another use of 관계대명사 is to describe a noun or pronoun. For example:
– 그는 어제 만난 학교에서 공부하는 친구예요. (He is a friend who studies at my school, whom I met yesterday.)
– 이것은 바로 내가 찾던 책이야. (This is the book that I have been looking for.)

In these examples, the relative pronoun (in bold) is used to describe or give more information about the noun or pronoun mentioned in the sentence. In the first sentence, the speaker is describing their friend as someone who studies at their school and whom they met yesterday. In the second sentence, the speaker is identifying the book they have been looking for as the one they are currently holding.

3. Asking a question
Finally, 관계대명사 can also be used to ask a question. For example:
– 누구세요? (Who are you?)
– 무엇을 먹고 싶으세요? (What do you want to eat?)

In both of these examples, the relative pronoun (in bold) is used to ask a question. In the first sentence, the speaker is asking someone’s identity. In the second sentence, the speaker is asking what the person would like to eat.


Q: Are there any differences between using 관계대명사 in spoken versus written Korean?
A: There are no major differences in the use of 관계대명사 in spoken versus written Korean. However, in informal spoken Korean, it is common to omit the relative pronoun if the meaning of the sentence is still clear without it.

Q: Are there any rules for choosing which 관계대명사 to use?
A: Yes, there are some general rules for choosing which relative pronoun to use. Here are a few examples:
– If the noun or pronoun being described is a person, use 누구.
– If the noun or pronoun being described is a thing, use 무엇 or 어떤.
– If the noun or pronoun being described is a location, use 어디.
– If the noun or pronoun being described is a time, use 언제.

Q: Can you use more than one relative pronoun in a sentence?
A: Yes, it is possible to use multiple relative pronouns in a sentence to connect multiple clauses. However, it is important to make sure that the sentence remains clear and easy to understand.

Q: Are there any common mistakes to watch out for when using 관계대명사?
A: One common mistake is using the wrong relative pronoun. It is important to choose the correct relative pronoun based on the noun or pronoun being described. Another mistake is using too many relative pronouns in one sentence, which can make the sentence difficult to understand.

In conclusion, 관계대명사 are a crucial part of Korean grammar, allowing speakers to construct complex sentences and convey a wide range of ideas. By learning how to use them effectively, learners of Korean can greatly improve their writing and speaking skills.

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