관계대명사 that 못쓰는 경우
관계대명사는 문장에서 서로 다른 두 요소의 관계를 나타내는 역할을 합니다. 연결어미로 쓰이며, 첫 번째 문장의 어떤 요소를 더 자세히 서술하기 위해 두 번째 문장을 만들 때 사용됩니다. 영어에서는 “that”, “which”, “who” 등이 일반적으로 사용되며, 한국어에서는 “ㄴ/는/ㄹ/을”, “이”, “로/으로”, “에서/으로”, “와/과” 등이 그 역할을 합니다.
관계대명사의 역할은 무엇인가?
관계대명사의 역할은 주로 첫 번째 문장에서 언급하는 한 요소를 더 자세히 설명하는 두 번째 문장을 만들 때 쓰입니다. 따라서 두 문장의 의미가 연결되어 하나의 문장으로 만들어지며, 문장 전체의 의미가 더욱 명확하게 전달됩니다.
어떤 경우에 관계대명사를 사용해야 하는가?
관계대명사는 첫 번째 문장에서 언급한 요소를 더 자세히 서술하기 위해 두 번째 문장을 만들 때 사용됩니다. 예를 들어 “I met a person yesterday. He was very kind.”의 경우 “I met a person who was very kind yesterday.”로 바꿀 수 있습니다. 이처럼 두 문장에서 언급된 요소가 같은 경우, 관계대명사를 사용하여 두 문장을 합쳐줄 수 있습니다.
어떤 경우에 관계대명사를 사용하지 않아도 되는가?
관계대명사를 사용하지 않아도 되는 경우도 있습니다. 예를 들어 “The book on the table is mine.”의 경우 “The book that is on the table is mine.”으로 바꿀 필요가 없습니다. 또한 “I have a friend who lives in New York.”의 경우 “I have a friend living in New York.”로 바꿔서 사용할 수도 있습니다.
복합 관계대명사란 무엇인가?
복합 관계대명사는 두 개 이상의 관계대명사로 이루어진 형태를 말합니다. 예를 들어 “The man who is standing over there is my teacher’s friend.”의 경우 “The man standing over there is my teacher’s friend who I met last night.”와 같이 관계대명사가 하나 이상 추가될 수 있습니다.
무엇 때문에 관계대명사를 못 쓰게 되는가?
관계대명사를 못 쓰게 되는 경우는 일반적으로 관계대명사가 못 쓰이는 명사나 동사를 포함하는 문장에서 발생합니다. 이런 경우에는 관계대명사 대신 주로 전치사구나 부사절을 사용하여 문장을 구성합니다.
관계대명사 대신 어떤 표현을 사용해야 하는가?
관계대명사 대신 사용 가능한 표현에는 전치사구나 부사절이 있습니다. 이 경우 항상 “which”나 “that” 등의 관계대명사보다 훨씬 길어지므로, 문장을 간결하게 하기 어려운 단점이 있습니다.
관계대명사를 잘못 사용할 경우의 문제점은 무엇인가?
관계대명사를 잘못 사용하는 경우 문장이 이상하거나 잘못된 의미를 전달할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 “I saw the man who stole my car.”의 경우 “I saw the man who I stole my car.”로 쓰면 자동차를 몰고 있는 나 자신을 암시하고 있는 문장이 됩니다.
관계대명사를 지양하면서 문장을 잘 구성하는 방법은 무엇인가?
관계대명사를 지양하면서 문장을 잘 구성하기 위해서는 전치사구나 부사절을 사용하여 문장을 구성하는 것이 좋습니다. 또한 문장이 가진 구조나 톤 등을 고려해야 합니다.
관계대명사를 공부하기 위한 유용한 자료와 학습 방법은 무엇인가?
관계대명사를 공부하기 위해서는 주로 문법 책이나 문법 교재를 활용하는 것이 좋습니다. 온라인에서는 언어 학습 사이트나 온라인 문법 연습 사이트를 활용하여 학습할 수 있습니다. 또한 관용적인 표현에 대한 대화나 작문 등을 통해 실제 활용도를 높이는 것이 중요합니다.
1. 관계대명사란 무엇인가?
– 관계대명사는 문장에서 서로 다른 두 요소의 관계를 나타내는 역할을 합니다. 연결어미로 쓰이며, 첫 번째 문장의 어떤 요소를 더 자세히 서술하기 위해 두 번째 문장을 만들 때 사용됩니다.
2. 어떤 경우에 관계대명사를 사용해야 하는가?
– 관계대명사는 첫 번째 문장에서 언급하는 한 요소를 더 자세히 설명하는 두 번째 문장을 만들 때 사용됩니다.
3. 어떤 경우에 관계대명사를 사용하지 않아도 되는가?
– 관계대명사를 사용하지 않아도 되는 경우도 있습니다. 주로 두 문장에서 언급된 요소가 같은 경우 관계대명사를 사용하지 않고 간결하게 문장을 구성할 수 있습니다.
4. 관계대명사를 잘못 사용할 경우의 문제점은 무엇인가?
– 관계대명사를 잘못 사용하는 경우 문장이 이상하거나 잘못된 의미를 전달할 수 있으며, 잘못된 표현으로 인해 상대방과의 소통이 불가능해질 수 있습니다.
5. 관계대명사를 지양하면서 문장을 잘 구성하는 방법은 무엇인가?
– 관계대명사를 지양하면서 전치사구나 부사절을 사용하여 문장을 간결하게 구성할 수 있습니다. 또한, 문장이 가진 구조나 톤 등을 고려하여 문장을 구성하는 것이 중요합니다.
사용자가 검색한 키워드: 관계대명사 that 못쓰는 경우 관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우, 관계대명사 that 접속사 that, 관계대명사 that 예문, The only 관계대명사, 주격 관계대명사 that, 목적격 관계대명사 that, 주격 관계대명사 that 예문, 접속사 that 선행사
Categories: Top 30 관계대명사 that 못쓰는 경우
[관계대명사 that과 which의 차이] that을 쓸 수 없는 문장은? (콤마 뒤, 계속적 용법 등)
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관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우
Many English speakers are used to using the relative pronoun “that” in conversation, but its usage in Korean may be a bit more complicated. Here, we will explore the various cases where Koreans use “that” in their sentences.
관계절 (relative clauses)
관계절 (relative clauses) are sentences that are attached to a noun or pronoun. In Korean, they usually start with a 관형사 (determiner) like “the,” “a,” or “this,” followed by a noun. Then, a relative pronoun is used to link this noun to the next clause.
For instance, let us consider the following example sentence:
저는 어제 쇼핑을 하러 쇼핑센터에 갔던 상황에서 새로운 가게를 발견했습니다.
This sentence means: “I discovered a new store while I was out shopping at the shopping center yesterday.”
Now, let us add a relative pronoun “that” to this sentence:
저는 어제 쇼핑을 하러 쇼핑센터에 갔던 상황에서 새로운 가게를 발견했는데, 그 가게가 제가 찾던 것이었습니다.
This sentence means: “I discovered a new store while I was out shopping at the shopping center yesterday, and that store was what I had been looking for.”
As seen in this example, the pronoun “that” is used to connect two clauses together. The first clause talks about the context setting, while the second clause shows the result: that the new store that the speaker discovered was what they had been looking for.
관계대명사 “that”
In Korean, the word “that” can work as both an 기능명사 (functional noun) and a 관계대명사 (relative pronoun). By using “that” as a relative pronoun in a sentence, you can imply a closer relationship between two clauses.
For example:
이 책 전체적으로 재미있어 보이지만, 그 단락이 특히 매력적입니다.
This sentence means: “The whole book seems interesting, but that paragraph in particular seems attractive.”
The phrase “that paragraph” here is an example of “that” used as a relative pronoun. It connects the second clause to the noun that precedes it and emphasizes the speaker’s particular interest in that paragraph.
When to use “that” as a relative pronoun
Not all sentences require the use of “that” as a relative pronoun. In fact, the usage of this pronoun varies depending on the structure of the sentence.
One case where “that” is used as a relative pronoun is when the first clause doesn’t contain any object or subject. In this case, “that” serves to define what the speaker is talking about.
For example:
손오공은 “여기가 니모를 찾을 수 있는 곳이였다” 라고 말했어요.
This sentence means: “Sun Wukong said, ‘This is where we can find Nemo.’”
The second clause in this sentence shows what Sun Wukong said, while the first clause provides context. Here, “that” serves as a relative pronoun to connect the two clauses.
However, when the first clause contains an object or subject, it is often more natural to skip using “that” as a relative pronoun. In fact, many Koreans choose not to use it in these cases.
For instance:
전 기차가 언제 도착하는지 확실하지 않아서, 5시에 도착하는 기차를 탔습니다.
This sentence means: “I wasn’t sure when the train would arrive, so I took the train that would arrive at 5 p.m.”
In this sentence, the word “that” could be used to connect the last clause to the word “train.” However, because the word “train” appears both as a subject in the first clause and as part of the phrase “took the train,” many Koreans would choose to omit the “that” from this sentence.
1. Can “that” be used interchangeably with other Korean relative pronouns, such as “who” and “which”?
No, “that” has a specific function as a pronoun that connects two clauses together, while “who” and “which” are used to refer to specific people or things.
2. Do I have to always use “that” as a relative pronoun in Korean sentences?
No, the use of “that” varies depending on the structure of the sentence. For instance, it can be omitted when the first clause already includes an object or subject.
3. What is the difference between a determiner and a relative pronoun in Korean?
A determiner is a word that comes before a noun to describe or identify it, while a relative pronoun connects two clauses together.
4. Is it possible to omit “that” from all sentences when using Korean?
Yes, it is possible to use Korean without ever using “that” as a relative pronoun. This is because Korean’s sentence structure allows for easy understanding of the relationship between clauses even without the use of pronouns.
5. Are there any specific rules for when to use “that” as a pronoun in Korean?
There are no hard and fast rules for using “that” as a pronoun in Korean. It is largely dependent on what sounds natural in the context of the sentence. Some sentences may sound awkward with the use of “that,” while others may sound completely natural.
관계대명사 that 접속사 that
In this article, we will explore the various aspects of 관계대명사 ‘that’ in Korean, including its grammar, usage, and common mistakes. We will also have a frequently asked questions (FAQs) section that will answer some of the common questions learners have about this topic.
Grammar of‘That’ in Korean
The Korean word for ‘that’ as a relative pronoun is ‘-은/는 것’ (eun/neun geot), which is attached to the noun it modifies. For example, in the sentence ‘I like the book that you gave me,’ ‘that’ refers to the book. In Korean, this sentence would be translated as ‘너가 준 책이 좋아요’ (neoga jun chaeki johayo), where ‘책’ (chaek) is the noun that ‘that’ refers to. To translate this sentence with the relative pronoun ‘-은/는 것,’ it would look like ‘너가 준 책은 좋아요’ (neoga jun chaek-eun johayo).
When using ‘-은/는 것’ as a relative pronoun, it is important to note that it is always attached to the end of the noun it modifies. Furthermore, it is important to make sure that the noun is marked with the correct particle (such as 을/를 or 이/가) before adding ‘-은/는 것.’ This is because ‘-은/는’ is a particle that has a similar function as other particles such as 이/가 or 을/를.
Usage of ‘That’ in Korean
As a relative pronoun, ‘-은/는 것’ is used to connect clauses in a sentence. It is most commonly used to give additional information about a noun in the sentence, such as the book in the previous example. ‘-은/는 것’ can also be used to connect two clauses to describe an action or event. For example, the sentence ‘I met the girl who is studying Korean’ can be translated to ‘한국어를 공부하는 여자를 만났어요’ (hangugeo-reul gongbu-haneun yeojareul manasseoyo) in Korean. However, if we want to add information about the girl, we can use ‘-은/는 것’ instead of repeating the noun ‘girl.’ Therefore, the sentence can be translated as ‘한국어를 공부하는 여자는 만났어요’ (hangugeo-reul gongbu-haneun yeojaneun manass-eoyo).
Another important usage of the relative pronoun ‘-은/는 것’ is to modify verbs. It is often used in sentences where the verb ‘to be’ is not present. For example, in the sentence ‘I appreciate the effort that you put in,’ ‘that’ refers to ‘the effort’ and modifies the verb ‘put in.’ In Korean, this sentence is translated as ‘너가 들인 노력은 감사해요’ (neoga deul-in noryeog-eun gamsahaeyo), where ‘들인 노력’ (deul-in noryeog) is the noun modified by ‘-은/는 것’ and 감사해요 (gamsahaeyo) is the verb.
Common Mistakes with ‘That’ in Korean
One of the common mistakes learners make when using ‘-은/는 것’ is forgetting to attach it to the noun they want to modify. For example, in the sentence ‘The person gave me a gift that I liked,’ ‘that’ refers to ‘gift.’ In Korean, this sentence is translated as ‘그 사람이 나에게 준 선물은 좋아했어요’ (geu saram-i na-ege jun seonmul-eun johahyeoss-eoyo). It is important to note that ‘-은/는 것’ must be attached to ‘선물’ (seonmul), not the verb ‘준’ (jun).
Another common mistake learners make is using ‘-은/는 것’ with the wrong particle. As mentioned earlier, ‘-은/는 것’ is a particle that has a similar function as other particles such as 이/가 or 을/를. Therefore, it is important to use the correct particle before adding ‘-은/는 것.’ For example, the sentence ‘I met the teacher who teaches English’ can be translated as ‘영어를 가르치는 선생님을 만났어요’ (yeong-eoreul galeuchineun seonsaengnim-eul manasseoyo), where ‘선생님’ (seonsaengnim) is marked with the particle 을 (eul) before adding ‘-는 것.’
Q: Can ‘-은/는 것’ be used with all nouns?
A: Yes, ‘-은/는 것’ can be used with all nouns in Korean. However, it is important to remember to attach it to the correct noun and use the correct particle before adding ‘-은/는 것.’
Q: Can I use ‘-은/는 것’ to connect a subject and verb in a sentence?
A: Yes, ‘-은/는 것’ can be used to connect a subject and verb in a sentence. However, it is more commonly used to give additional information about a noun in the sentence.
Q: Can ‘-은/는 것’ be used with adjectives?
A: No, ‘-은/는 것’ cannot be used with adjectives in Korean. Instead, the adjective is used as a modifier for the noun. For example, the sentence ‘The beautiful flower that I saw’ can be translated as ‘내가 본 아름다운 꽃’ (naega bon aleumdaun kkot) in Korean.
Q: How do I know when to use ‘-은/는 것’ instead of repeating the noun in a sentence?
A: It is up to the speaker’s preference to use ‘-은/는 것’ instead of repeating the noun in a sentence. However, it is commonly used to avoid repeating the noun and make the sentence flow more smoothly.
Q: Are there any other relative pronouns in Korean aside from ‘-은/는 것’?
A: Yes, there are other relative pronouns in Korean such as ‘-을/를 것’ (-eul/reul geot) and ‘-인 것’ (-in geot). However, they are less common than ‘-은/는 것’ and have specific usage in certain contexts.
In summary, ‘-은/는 것’ plays an important role in Korean as a relative pronoun and conjunction. It connects clauses and modifies nouns and verbs to give additional information about the sentence. It is important to remember to attach it to the correct noun and use the correct particle before adding ‘-은/는 것’ to avoid common mistakes. With these tips and a clear understanding of how ‘-은/는 것’ is used, learners can confidently begin to use this important grammar rule in their Korean language studies.
관계대명사 that 예문
Types of Korean Relative Pronouns
There are three types of 관계대명사 in Korean, and they are divided based on how they are used in a sentence. These types are location, subject, and object.
The first type of Korean relative pronoun is the location type. It is used to indicate a specific place in a sentence.
예문: 여기에 있는 책을 읽었어요. 그 책은 흥미로웠어요.
Translation: I read the book that was here. That book was interesting.
In this example, 여기에 있는 (here) is the location type of relative pronoun. It connects the main clause (I read the book) to the subordinate clause (that was here).
The second type of Korean relative pronoun is the subject type. It is used when the relative pronoun acts as a subject of the verb in a sentence.
예문: 내가 만난 사람은 유명한 가수예요.
Translation: The person that I met is a famous singer.
In this example, the subject type of relative pronoun is 내가 (I). It connects the main clause (the person is a famous singer) to the subordinate clause (that I met).
The third type of Korean relative pronoun is the object type. It is used when the relative pronoun acts as an object of the verb in a sentence.
예문: 남동생이 사 준 선물은 노트북이에요.
Translation: The present that my younger brother bought is a laptop.
In this example, the object type of relative pronoun is 남동생이 (my younger brother). It connects the main clause (the present is a laptop) to the subordinate clause (that my younger brother bought).
Usage of Korean Relative Pronouns
Now that we’ve explored the various types of Korean relative pronouns, it’s time to delve deeper into their usage. Understanding how to use them correctly is critical for learners of Korean.
1. To combine sentences
One common usage of Korean relative pronouns is to combine multiple sentences into a single, more concise statement.
예문: 엄마가 전에 만든 음식을 먹었어요. 그 음식은 매우 맛있었어요.
Translation: I ate the food that my mom made earlier. It was very delicious.
In this example, the two sentences are combined into one, with the relative pronoun 그 (that) connecting the main clause (I ate the food) to the subordinate clause (my mom made earlier).
2. To add detail
Another usage of Korean relative pronouns is to add more detail to a sentence.
예문: 어머니께서 만든 감자조림이 너무 맛있어요.
Translation: The potato stew that my mom made is very delicious.
In this example, the relative pronoun 어머니께서 만든 (that my mom made) adds more detail to the sentence, specifying which potato stew is being referred to.
3. To modify nouns
You can also use Korean relative pronouns to modify nouns, acting as adjectives.
예문: 수한이 산책하면서 보았던 꽃은 아름다웠어요.
Translation: The flower that Soohan saw while taking a walk was beautiful.
In this example, the relative pronoun modifies the noun 꽃 (flower), functioning similarly to an adjective.
Q: Can relative pronouns be omitted in Korean?
A: Yes, they can be omitted in some cases where the meaning is clear without them. This is particularly common in spoken Korean.
Q: Are there any rules for choosing a relative pronoun type?
A: The relative pronoun type is determined by its role in the sentence. If it acts as the subject of the verb, it is the subject type. If it acts as the object of the verb, it is the object type. If it connects a place or location to another clause, it is the location type.
Q: Can relative pronouns be used with prepositions?
A: Yes, they can. For example, in the sentence “The book that I’m reading is on the table,” the relative pronoun that connects the two clauses is “that,” and the preposition is “on.”
In Conclusion
Learning Korean relative pronouns is essential for constructing grammatically correct sentences. They connect clauses and add details that help to convey the speaker’s intention. By understanding the various types of Korean relative pronouns and their usage, learners can communicate their ideas more clearly and effectively.
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![[관계대명사 that과 which의 차이] that을 쓸 수 없는 문장은? (콤마 뒤, 계속적 용법 등) [관계대명사 that과 which의 차이] that을 쓸 수 없는 문장은? (콤마 뒤, 계속적 용법 등)](https://c3.castu.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/hqdefault-248.jpg)
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