관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우
관계대명사는 두 문장이나 구문을 연결하는 역할을 합니다. 이는 특정한 대상에 대한 정보를 제공하며, 문장이 보다 자연스러워지도록 합니다. 관계대명사에는 “that,” “which,” “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “where,” “when,” “that only,” “which only” 등이 있습니다.
관계대명사의 기능과 역할
관계대명사는 주로 두 문장을 연결합니다. 첫 문장에서는 특정한 대상을 소개하고, 두 번째 문장에서는 이 대상에 대한 추가 정보를 제공합니다. 이를 통해 문장이 보다 자연스러워지며, 텍스트의 흐름을 끊지 않습니다.
“만”이 쓰이는 관계대명사의 특징
“만”은 관계대명사 중에서도 특별한 역할을 수행합니다. 뒤에 오는 문장에서는 대상을 한정하며, 전후 문맥에 따라 다르게 해석될 수 있습니다. “만” 관계대명사가 사용된 문장에서는 대상을 특정한 한계 내에서만 이해할 수 있기 때문입니다.
관계대명사 중 “만”을 사용하는 경우의 예시
1. The books that I read were all written by the same author.
(내가 읽은 책들은 모두 같은 저자가 쓴 것이다.)
2. The food that I like is only available in a few restaurants.
(내가 좋아하는 음식은 몇몇 식당에서만 판매된다.)
“만”이 쓰이는 관계대명사 사용시 주의사항
“만”이 쓰이는 관계대명사는 다른 관계대명사와 비교하여 사용빈도가 낮습니다. 또한, “that만”으로 사용된 경우에는 “only”와 같은 한정사를 함께 사용하여 문장의 의미를 더 확실하게 전달할 수 있습니다.
“만”이 아닌 다른 관계대명사의 사용 예시
1. The dog, which is black and white, barked at the squirrel.
(검은색과 흰색을 가진 개가 다람쥐를 짖었다.)
2. The man who is sitting in the front row is the director of the company.
(앞 줄에 앉은 사람은 회사의 이사이다.)
관계대명사를 잘 활용해 문장을 다듬는 방법
관계대명사를 잘 활용한 문장은 더욱 명확하고 자연스러워집니다. 이를 위해서는 관계대명사의 사용법과 함께 문맥을 고려하여 문장을 구성해야 합니다.
– 관계대명사 that 예문:
The music that I listened to before was much better than this.
(이전에 내가 들은 음악은 이것보다 훨씬 좋았다.)
– 접속사 that 관계대명사 that:
I think that the movie that we saw yesterday was really interesting.
(나는 우리가 어제 본 영화가 정말 흥미로웠다고 생각한다.)
– 목적격 관계대명사 that:
She bought the shoes that she saw in the store last week.
(그녀는 지난 주에 매장에서 본 신발을 샀다.)
– 관계대명사 that을 쓸 수 없는 경우:
The person I met on the train was a famous singer.
(나는 기차에서 만난 사람이 유명한 가수라는 것을 깨달았다.)
– 관계대명사 that 생략:
The person I talked to on the phone was my cousin.
(내가 전화로 얘기한 사람은 나의 사촌이었다.)
– 주격 관계대명사 that 예문:
The woman that works in the coffee shop is really friendly.
(커피숍에서 일하는 여성은 매우 친절하다.)
– 관계대명사 that 용법:
I don’t remember the name of the person that I met yesterday.
(내가 어제 만난 사람의 이름을 기억하지 못한다.)
– 관계대명사 that 해석관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우:
The car that I want to buy costs a lot of money.
(내가 사고 싶은 차는 많은 돈이 든다.)
Q: 언제 “만”이 쓰이는 관계대명사를 사용해야 하나요?
A: “만”이 쓰이는 관계대명사는 전후 문맥에 따라 결정됩니다. 일반적으로 대상이 한정된 경우나 한정사가 함께 사용될 경우 “that만”을 사용하는 것이 적절합니다.
Q: “that”이 아닌 다른 관계대명사를 사용할 때는 어떻게 해야 하나요?
A: “which,” “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “where,” “when,” “that only,” “which only” 등 다양한 관계대명사가 있습니다. 이를 올바르게 사용하기 위해서는 문맥을 고려하여 적절한 관계대명사를 선택해야 합니다.
Q: 관계대명사가 필요 없는 경우에는 어떻게 해야 하나요?
A: 관계대명사가 필요하지 않은 경우는 생략하여 문장을 간결하게 만들 수 있습니다. 하지만 이 경우 전후 문맥을 잘 파악하여 대상을 제대로 파악할 수 있도록 해야 합니다.
사용자가 검색한 키워드: 관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우 관계대명사 that 예문, 접속사 that 관계대명사 that, 목적격 관계대명사 that, 관계대명사 that을 쓸 수 없는 경우, 관계대명사 that 생략, 주격 관계대명사 that 예문, 관계대명사 that 용법, 관계대명사 that 해석
Categories: Top 51 관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우
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관계대명사 that 예문
Types of 관계대명사 or Relative Pronouns in Korean
1. -은/는 것
The most common form of relative pronouns in Korean is -은/는 것. This form is used to refer to things or concepts that are mentioned earlier in the sentence.
Example: 방학 때 가고 싶은 것은 여름에 바다를 보러 가는 것이다. (What I want to do during the vacation is to go see the sea in summer.)
In this example, 여름에 바다를 보러 가는 것 (going to see the sea in summer) is the thing that the speaker wants to do during the vacation, which was mentioned earlier in the sentence.
2. -인 것
The second most common form of relative pronouns is -인 것. This form is used to describe people or things that have already been introduced.
Example: 그 사람은 김치를 싫어하는 사람인 것 같아요. (I think that person is someone who dislikes kimchi.)
In this example, the speaker is referring to 김치를 싫어하는 사람 (a person who dislikes kimchi), which was already introduced in the sentence.
3. -은/는 사람
Another common relative pronoun is -은/는 사람, which is used to describe people.
Example: 선생님은 학생들이 좋아하는 사람입니다. (The teacher is a person that the students like.)
In this example, 학생들이 좋아하는 사람 (a person that the students like) is introduced to describe the teacher.
4. -을/를 것
This form of relative pronoun is used to describe things or concepts.
Example: 나는 요리하는 것을 좋아해요. (I like cooking.)
In this example, 요리하는 것 (cooking) is used to describe the speaker’s interest.
5. -던 것
This form of relative pronoun is used to talk about experiences or actions that have already occurred.
Example: 나는 어제 본 책이 재미있었던 것 같아요. (I think the book I read yesterday was interesting.)
In this example, 재미있었던 것 (something that was interesting) describes the book that the speaker read yesterday.
1. What is the difference between -은/는 것 and -을/를 것?
The difference between -은/는 것 and -을/를 것 is that the former is used to describe things or concepts that have already been mentioned, while the latter is used to describe things or concepts that have not been mentioned yet.
2. How can I determine which form of relative pronoun to use?
The form of relative pronoun you use depends on the context and what you want to describe. If you are describing a person, you can use -은/는 사람 or -인 것. If you are describing a thing or concept, -은/는 것 or -을/를 것 can be used.
3. Can I use all forms of relative pronouns interchangeably?
No, not all forms of relative pronouns can be used interchangeably. Each form has its own purpose and context, and using the wrong form can change the meaning of the sentence.
4. Is it necessary to use relative pronouns in Korean?
No, it is not always necessary to use relative pronouns in Korean, as other sentence structures can be used to convey the same information.
5. Are there any rules for using relative pronouns in Korean?
Yes, there are some general rules for using relative pronouns in Korean. For example, the subject of the main clause and the relative clause should match, and the place where the relative pronoun is used in the sentence should be based on its meaning and its relationship to the rest of the sentence.
6. Does Korean have any other types of relative pronouns?
Yes, Korean has a few other forms of relative pronouns, such as -은/는 사람들, -는 사람 중 하나, -인 사람, -은 기분 등.
Korean relative pronouns or 관계대명사 are important for connecting related sentences and condensing information in a sentence. There are different forms of relative pronouns in Korean, each with its own context and purpose. To use them correctly, it is crucial to understand the meaning and relationship of the elements in the sentence.
접속사 that 관계대명사 that
Usage of That in Korean
In Korean, that is used as a relative pronoun and is called 관계대명사. This particle is used to connect a noun or pronoun to a clause, which adds additional information or explanation about the word. Here are few examples to help you understand the usage of that in Korean.
1. 저는 남자예요. 그 사람은 저의 친구예요.
I am a man. That person is my friend.
In this example, the word 그 (geu) is used as the relative particle and connects the word 사람 (saram) to the clause 저의 친구예요 (jeo-ui chingu-ye-yo).
2. 철수 씨가 추천한 장소는 제가 말한 바와 같습니다.
The place recommended by Mr. Chulsoo is the same as I said.
In this example, the word 제가 (je-ga) is used as a subject and is connected to the clause 말한 바와 같습니다 (malhan bawa gatseupni-da) by the relative particle that.
3. 그 사람이 수고로운 일을 했다는 것은 사실이야.
It is a fact that he did a difficult job.
In this example, the word 것 (geot) is used as a nominalizer and the relative particle that connects it to the clause 사실이야 (sasil- iya).
As we can see from the above examples, the word that plays a crucial role in Korean grammar. It helps to connect the noun, pronoun, or phrase to a clause and giving additional information about it.
FAQs about the Usage of That in Korean
Q1. Can we use pronouns instead of 그 (geu) while using that in Korean?
Yes, you can use pronouns like 이 (i), 저 (jeo), 그것 (geu-geot), and many more instead of 그 (geu) while using that in Korean.
Q2. How many types of relative particles are there in Korean?
There are two types of relative particles in Korean – subject relative particles and each independent relative particles. In the first type, the particle connects the subject/object to the clause, whereas, in the second type, the particle itself acts as the subject/object in the clause.
Q3. How can we differentiate between that and who in Korean?
In Korean, the word that is used in the same way as who and is translated as 누구 (nugu). But to differentiate between the two, the word 누구 (nugu) is used only for people, whereas the word that can be used for both people and objects.
Q4. Can we use that in formal situations in Korean?
Yes, you can use that in formal situations in Korean without any hesitation.
Q5. How important is it to use that in Korean grammar?
The usage of that is very important in Korean grammar as it helps to add additional information about the noun, pronoun or phrase and makes the sentence more precise, specific, and clear.
In Korean grammar, the usage of that as a relative particle is essential to connect the noun, pronoun, or phrase to a clause and giving additional information about it. Although it may seem daunting to learn the correct usage of that in Korean, with practice and patience, you can become proficient in using it. By understanding the basics of that, we can enrich our Korean language skills and create more precise and sophisticated sentences in our conversations or writing.
목적격 관계대명사 that
Usage of 목적격 관계대명사
In Korean, there are three types of relative clauses. These are subject marking relative clauses, object marking relative clauses, and adverbial marking relative clauses. Among these, object marking relative clauses are used when the relative clause acts as the object of the main clause.
One of the important things to note about 목적격 관계대명사 is that it only refers to inanimate objects. For example, it cannot be used to refer to animals or people. For example, instead of saying “사람 그것을 보았어” (Person saw that.), we have to say “사람이 그것을 보았어” (The person saw that.) where “사람이” acts as a subject marking relative pronoun.
Some commonly used 목적격 관계대명사 in Korean include “것” (thing), “물건” (object), “일” (work), and “용건” (matter). These pronouns are used to introduce a relative clause that describes the noun or pronoun that the main clause is referring to.
1. 나는 자동차를 샀다. 그것은 정말 비싼 물건이다. (I bought a car. It is a really expensive object.)
2. 식탁 위에 있는 그것은 봉투다. (The thing that is on the table is an envelope.)
3. 나는 일 보러 가야 해. 그것이 우리 회사의 문제니까. (I have to go to work. It is our company’s matter.)
Formation of 목적격 관계대명사
In Korean, 목적격 관계대명사 is formed by adding “-를” to the base noun. The resulting word is then used to introduce the relative clause.
For example,
1. 자동차 – 차를
2. 봉투 – 투를
3. 일 – 일을
4. 용건 – 건을
It is important to note that the base noun can be modified by adjectives or other words before the “-를” is added to it. For example, instead of saying “바람을 불어서 나뭇잎이 떨어졌다.” (The wind blew and the leaves fell.), we can say “세찬 바람을 불어서 나뭇잎이 떨어졌다.” (The fierce wind blew and the leaves fell.) where “세찬” (fierce) modifies “바람” (wind).
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why is it important to learn Object marking relative pronouns?
A: Understanding the usage of 목적격 관계대명사 is important because it helps to clarify the meaning of sentences and makes them easier to understand. Additionally, it is an essential component of Korean grammar, and failure to master the concept can lead to errors and confusion when communicating in Korean.
Q: Are there any exceptions when using Object marking relative pronouns?
A: Yes, there are some exceptions when using 목적격 관계대명사. For example, the base nouns “사람” (person) and “동물” (animal) cannot be used as object marking relative pronouns. In these cases, subject marking relative pronouns are used instead.
Q: Can you provide some examples of sentences with Object marking relative pronouns?
A: Sure, here are some examples:
1. 학생들이 미술관을 방문했다. 그것이 좋은 경험이 되었다. (The students visited the art museum. It was a good experience.)
2. 지난주에 우리 회사에서 새로운 제품을 출시했다. 그것이 바로 저희가 만든 스마트폰이다. (Last week, our company released a new product. It is the smartphone that we made.)
3. 밥을 먹고 나서 디저트를 시켰다. 그것이 항상 내 일이다. (After eating rice, I ordered dessert. It is always my thing.)
In conclusion, 목적격 관계대명사 is an essential component of the Korean language, and its understanding is necessary for anyone who wants to communicate effectively in Korean. By providing information on the noun or pronoun that the main clause is referring to, it helps to clarify the meaning of sentences and makes them easier to understand. Though there are some exceptions when using these pronouns, with practice and patience, learners can master the concept easily.
주제와 관련된 이미지 관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우

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주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우.
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